

当サイト(https://www.matsudo-kankou.jp/)は、一般社団法人 松戸市観光協会(以下、当協会という)により管理、運営を行っています。










・別の組織、機関、施設に関するお問合せ ・別の組織、機関を含む打ち合わせの依頼 ・当協会または組織、特定の人物等に対する公序良俗に反すると判断できる内容






・掲示板 ・当協会または関連機関を誹謗中傷 、名誉毀損をしている、またはその恐れのあるもの

Handling of personal information

Matsudo Tourism Association (MTA) and all concerned parties shall handle and protect the customers’ personal information in accordance with the ‘Personal Information Protection Regulations’ and update the regulations within the scope of the purpose of use. MTA shall acquire the customers’ personal information through appropriate and fair means. MTA shall not acquire personal information without the consent of the individual.

Article1. Obtaining Personal Information and Purpose of Use
MTA shall use personal information within the regulations of the purposes. MTA shall not use the information except for a purpose to which the information is relevant. The Person Responsible for Handling Personal Information may observe the procedure of use so that personal information can not be abused. MTA shall take measures to enact management system and security control measures to prevent personal information from misuse.

Personal Information MTA deals with

(1) In carrying out our business, personal information disclosed from customers
(2) Personal information disclosed to you by e-mail, fax, telephone, etc. to our company
(3) Personal information that we have been entrusted with handling
(4) Personal information of contractors and business partners acquired at the time of carrying out our business
(5) Personal information on our employees
(6) Personal information on our personnel recruitment
(7) Public personal information

Providing Personal Information to Third Parties

MTA will not disclose such retained personal information which may lead to the identification of the person concerned to third parties except in the following cases.

(1) Cases in which someone consents to the disclosure.
(2) Cases in which is requested by law.
(3) Cases in which the handling of personal information is necessary for cooperating with national or local government agencies in executing the affairs prescribed by law and regulations and in which is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.
(4) Cases in which the handling of personal information is specially necessary for protecting the life, body or property of an individual and in which is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.
(5) Cases in which the handling of personal information is specially necessary for improving public hygiene or promoting the sound growth of children and in which is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.

Safety Measure for Personal Information

MTA shall take corrective measures which are necessary to prevent personal information from leakage, loss or damage.

Collection Personal Information through Website

(1) Encryption
MTA uses encryption data system called SSL in collecting personal information through our webpage so that your information can be safely encrypted.

(2) Cookies
MTA may use Cookies to manage screen transaction of each customer by internet browser. It is essential to normalize the transitions on our website. If you make Cookies ineffective on your computer or mobile phone, our website may not work properly. Thank you for your cooperation.

Contact for Disclosure of Personal Information

MTA copes with the customer’s wishes to notify and disclose the use of the personal information.
Cases in which a customer requests amendment, addition or deletion of content, stoppage of use, erasure of stoppage of the provision to third parties of held personal information.